Things are a little nicer looking. This particular version was created on Win32 using CodeWarrior and the same program source as the previous versions, which were created on MacOS. Let's hear it for cross platform code!
It's been so long for an update since the code that generates this is so much better. It's a programmer thing. You wouldn't understand.
I'm going to keep around this version of the source for awhile. Next comes frames. Ooooo.
I recently checked, and 5 (maybe 6, rumor has it) of the 10 bands I've seen most often aren't together anymore. I feel old again. #
I recently saw a car commercial with an ultra Pixies sounding song. Ahh! This along with the Tortoise perfume ad, and the Stereolab Beetle ad, I don't know what to do anymore. Guess I'll have to buy stuff.
SXSW is coming up. Some very good shows are happening. For example, Those Bastard Souls, Mercury Rev, & The Flaming Lips, all the same night and the same venue! I think I'll actually have to get into it legally this year, unfortunately.
The latest Mercury Rev record is warming my heart. I just picked it up, and have listened to it about 4 times today already. OK, what's the story on the connection between The Flaming Lips & Mercury Rev? I'm clueless. Tell me.
I got a haircut a few weeks ago, and as the hair fell on the bib, I noticed something. There was gray hair. I had no idea. It sure was strange finding it out at the barber. Maybe now I'll look distinguished. #
More ads: Stereolab on a sporty Volvo ad, and The Reverend Horton Heat doing a Miata ad. When will it ever end?
I'm working a lot lately. Not as much as two weeks ago. I still got out to SXSW. Read all about it & get jealous.
No new records have me all excited lately. Probably since I haven't bought one since last time. Sebadoh is this Friday, and then I'm off to Chicago for a wedding.
I've been told the colors are ugly, and I agree. I also hate the main page with the outer space motif. I am going to fix this, I promise. #
Damn. It's been a long time. Finally work has gone back to normal.
Since the last post, I've been to California twice, and I'm going to New York City again soon. While in CA, I did a demo of what I've been working on in front of about 2500 people. Too bad I didn't have the guts to look out at them! So more people were looking at my butt at one time than ever before in my life!
Otherwise I've been on Marc's boat. Very nice respite from working all the time. Thanks god that's over.
The other night I heard another song I know on a TV commercial. It was Sam Prekop's "A Cloud in the Back" on a Tylenol commercial. Ah! #
Got back from NYC. I had a good time again. I really must live urban again, and the sooner the better.
I got an mp3 ripper for my Mac. I've been ripping records I have so I can listen to them at work. I also captured all 4 discs of The Flaming Lips' "Zaireeka," and mixed them down to 2 tracks. That way I can listen to them all at once, but it really starts to sound, well, lousy. With the explosions, jets, & ultra high & low tones mixed together with music, it starts to sound muddy. But it's still cool!
The Flaming Lips are Saturday. The new Superchunk EP is out. It has horns & strings. I'm liking it, of course. #
I saw another commercial, this one for playing "Rossignol" by The Sea And Cake.
It's been hot. It's was over a hundred for a week!
The new Superchunk album is out. I like it a lot. While the last few records have been great, I think this one is better.
I took some pictures of The Flaming Lips show. I put them up elsewhere on my site. There's not any links from the show yet. I have to update the program to CodeWarrior Pro 5 before I can add features. It has been a tougher upgrade than usual. I decided to templatize the program during the transition, and that's taking awhile.
I'm going rafting on the Grand Canyon next week, so no rock shows or commercial logging while I'm gone.
The company I work is going to be bought by Motorola. I wonder what will happen? #
Well a couple months ago, I got back from my unforgettable Grand Canyon trip. It's the type of story my family and I will be talking about forever.
While I was up in Illinois for my great friend Marianne's wedding, I stopped by the World Headquarters of the company that's buying Metrowerks (where I work), Motorola. However, I don't want to be called a Motorolan. That's what they call themselves.
Superchunk & Stereolab are both coming thru town soon. These will be good shows.
I've finally updated the program that creates these pages to CWPro 5.2. There's some new features added. There's the evolving geek pages, and as you can see above a band count. I'm almost to 500, though I know I've seen more I never wrote down.
It's cooled off here finally, and as opposed to last year, I'm glad. I don't miss the heat for a second. #
I'm now 29. This has really been bugging me, much to my surprise. I have a neighbor here in Austin. His name is Mr. Carey, and he's been living in the neighborhood since the mid 1960's. He bought his house with the GI Bill (or something similar) for either $35 or $65 a month, I can't recall which. Needless to say, his investment has paid off! His wife, whom I'd never met, had been ill and passed away a couple months ago. I recently saw him in the street when he let me know. He had been married for over 55 years. My grandparents are right around that milestone; I believe my parents will reach that as well (unless there are any more dangerous Grand Canyon trips!). If I was married tomorrow, I'd be 84 before I hit my 55th anniversary. I don't think that will ever happen. It's just a strange feeling. I don't have any strong desire to get married right now. I'd just like to believe that I'd have a successful marriage, and 55 years seems like it would be a successful marriage. Not that anything less is an unsuccessful one; it's just a milestone I don't believe I'll be making.
I started writing this entry during the last couple of months. Since then my grandmother has passed away. She was a strong independent woman, and I'll miss her. Because of this I learned alot about my family that I didn't know before, and I also realized how much I won't learn.
I saw a movie the other night unlike I'd every seen before, Being John Malkovich. It's funny, disturbing, and makes you think as well. I recommend it to anyone who wants to see a movie they haven't seen done before.
I've been reading a bunch of fiction lately. That's why this site hasn't been updated as regularly (that and the fact I haven't seen many new shows!). I've found a new way to spend my free time.
There's a great web site I've been reading for awhile now. They also have a published magazine. It's called McSweeney's. The stories are funny, and the fiction and non-fiction are top rate. There's a great article in the latest magazine about The Unabomber. Everyone I know should check this out.
Heaps of my friends from Chicago are coming down to Austin for New Years 2000. It should be a hell of a lot of fun, if any New Years past with them are any indication!
You won't see any New Years resolutions here, I promise. I hope I'm Y2K ready. I know this program is! #